Investor Relations

Our Approach

Inspired by amity as a main driver for our business, we believe that open communication and mutual trust form the cornerstone of relations with investors. It is not our way or the highway. It is who you are, the ideas that you have, the value that you can create, and your keen interest in collaboration that make us excited to start and maintain an investment with you.

Why Partnering With Us?

  • Our diversification is strategic: We are involved in several industries in different countries, and we have the necessary know-how to help you achieve better results.
  • Our support is unwavering: We believe in facilitating partnerships and we help you leverage our network of business leaders to identify the right partners with whom you could connect to start projects with mutual interests and common objectives. We can also pitch your idea to prospective partners, by spelling out how a true collaboration could eventually translate into a win-win venture where everyone benefits.
  • Our success is proven: Our track record shows that we grew and expanded continuously over the past 15 years, in the Sultanate of Oman, the GCC countries and beyond. We have achieved success in business and took the right decisions to expand regionally and internationally, accessing fresh markets and gaining a competitive edge in more than an industry.
  • Our reach is international: We cultivate long-lasting relationships with influential decision-makers and industry leaders who hold the keys to unlocking new horizons and forging pathways to exciting opportunities.

Who Do We Want to Partner With?

The profiles of our existing and potential client investors are as diverse as the investment industry. Our clients come from different backgrounds, have overlapping challenges, and seek various solutions. They are individual and institutions, located in the Sultanate of Oman and in other parts of the GCC region and the world. They aim to grow their business and make a real impact.
To become our partner, you need to:
  • Believe in the power of amity to create rewarding investments
  • Share the same values of integrity, collaboration, and relevance
  • Have an idea or a project that you want to bring to life
  • Have financing and partnership needs for a company or a project with proved success and potential for growth
  • Be interested in becoming a shareholder at Concordia Group or any of its companies
  • See the value of becoming a shareholder in one of the companies that we own
  • Have appetite for a franchise for one of the companies we own
  • Be ready to invest in one of our projects

Our partners typically believe in the power of amity to create rewarding investments, and they share our values of integrity, collaboration, and relevance. But when it comes to making the extra step of cementing our partnerships, we just need to make sure we are on the same page.

Before asking us for financing, just make sure to:

  • Have clear idea of a project with a sketch of a feasibility study;
  • Or provide strong arguments about the growth potential of a project which you have already started.
  • In both cases, have a clear idea about your financing needs with rough projections of the money you need to help realize your project’s objectives.

Before investing in one or more of our companies, ask yourself if:

  • You have a real interest in what drives us as a business;
  • You see the value of becoming a partner;
  • Or even have a desire to start a franchise of one of our companies.

Facts and Figures

Business Partners